Elevating Winery Engagement and Loyalty through Strategic Website Development


Website Developer for Wineries

Successful Website Design and SEO Strategy for Aurora Colony Vineyards

Aurora Colony Vineyards, located in Aurora, Oregon, partnered with us to develop a dynamic and engaging website that would not only attract visitors but convert them into loyal fans.

Our comprehensive approach integrated event promotion, wine tasting, special events, wedding bookings, and other winery-related activities into a seamless digital experience.




Creating engaging content to inspire wine loyalists

Increased Event Attendance

The targeted social media campaigns effectively reached the desired audience, resulting in sold-out summer events and heightened interest in the winery’s offerings.

Enhanced Online Presence

The optimized content and SEO strategies significantly boosted the winery’s visibility in search engine results, attracting more organic visitors to the site.

Engaging User Experience

The new website design provided an engaging and interactive platform for visitors, encouraging repeat visits and fostering loyalty.



Website Design & Development

We create websites that connect with your customer in different ways. Our high-conversion designs fill your sales funnel.


We create stories and messaging that allows you to create meaningful relationships with your customers.


Partner with us

Key Services and Strategies Implemented:

  • Market Research: Conducted in-depth research to identify the most effective keywords for attracting winery enthusiasts.
  • Website Design: Developed a WordPress-based website allowing easy updates and effective sharing of special events and activities.
  • Content Creation: Created SEO-optimized content to capture traffic for the winery's special events and wedding venue.
  • Social Media: Implemented a targeted social media marketing strategy to promote local band events and engage with the community.

Strategic Implementation:

  1. Comprehensive Website Design: We designed a user-friendly, visually appealing website on WordPress, enabling Aurora Colony Vineyards to easily update and share information about special events and activities. The site featured an integrated calendar for events, enhancing user experience and engagement.
  2. Targeted SEO and Content Strategy: Through meticulous market research, we identified the keywords that winery enthusiasts commonly search for. We developed high-quality content optimized for SEO, focusing on special events, wine tastings, and wedding venues, driving organic traffic to the website.
  3. Integrated Social Media Marketing: We created a robust social media strategy that promoted local band events at the winery. By crafting targeted paid campaigns on Facebook, we reached higher-income music lovers in the region, leading to successful sell-outs of numerous summer events.

PArtner with us

This collaboration with Aurora Colony Vineyards exemplifies our ability to deliver impactful digital marketing solutions tailored for wineries. By combining strategic website design, SEO, and social media marketing, we successfully increased engagement, attendance at events, and overall customer loyalty.

Top 3 Challenges Wineries Face with Their Digital Marketing

Attracting New Visitors

Wineries often struggle to attract new visitors due to high competition and limited visibility. To overcome this, implementing a robust SEO strategy and engaging social media campaigns can significantly boost online presence. By optimizing content for search engines and leveraging targeted social media ads, wineries can reach a broader audience and draw in new visitors interested in unique wine experiences.

Engaging Existing Customers

Maintaining engagement with existing customers can be challenging as interests evolve and new competitors emerge. Creating compelling content and personalized email marketing campaigns helps keep current customers interested and loyal. Regular updates about upcoming events, exclusive wine releases, and personalized offers can maintain high engagement levels and foster a sense of community among existing customers.

Promoting Events and Special Offers

Effectively promoting events and special offers to ensure high attendance and participation can be difficult. Utilizing a mix of digital marketing strategies, including social media promotions, targeted email campaigns, and event-focused landing pages, can enhance visibility and excitement. Highlighting unique aspects of the events and offers, and using engaging visuals and storytelling, can drive higher attendance and customer participation.

By addressing these challenges with strategic digital marketing efforts, wineries can attract new visitors, engage existing customers, and successfully promote events and special offers, ensuring sustained growth and customer loyalty.


  • client-04.png
    I have worked with Scott and 32 Degrees for 3 years. They handle my SEO and other digital marketing. My best example of how great Scott is at his job is: we took a 3 month break from his services and lost a quarter of our business- needless to say we are back in the fold. Scott is fantastic at what he does and is very conscious of results and will tweak things to make sure we stay top of mind to our existing and potential customers.

    Laura Tunberg, Visiting Angels

  • client-06.png
    I met Scott Fish and 32 Degrees Digital a few years ago while he was consulting with the Eola-Amity Hills Winegrower's Association. It was clear that he had the skills I needed to help me upgrade the SEO capability of the website for my small inn, Amity Flats. Over the next several months Scott Scott worked closely with me to analyze and refresh the text on my website. He is easy to work with and knows what he is doing!!

    Barbara Bond, Eola-Amity Hills Winegrowers Association

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    32° Digital may have a chilly name but they are red hot when it comes to SEO. Not only do they dominate the hospitality and winery markets but they also do a phenomenal job with restaurants and tourism sites. What sets them apart? Other than their unique expertise in a very niche market like SEO, they also understand the customer journey for these verticals which helps them to consult their clients on how to improve workflow and culture. If you haven't had a chance to chat with Scott Fish, take the'll be well worth it.

    Brent D Payne,

  • client-02.png
    32 Degrees is phenomenal! They helped my organization achieve instant ROI by implementing a focused SEO, PPC and Digital strategy. I can't recommend Scott and his team enough.

    Adam Tucker, Ethos Executive Search Firm