Transforming Visibility and Sales for CBD Companies with Strategic campaigns.


CBD Company marketing strategies

Successful SEO Strategy for Tula Botanicals

Tula Botanicals, a new entrant in the highly competitive CBD oil industry, aimed to launch their brand and website with a robust digital presence. We developed and executed a meticulously crafted SEO campaign that addressed both the medical and non-medical benefits of CBD oil, while adhering to FDA regulatory guidelines regarding medical claims.

The CBD industry has experienced explosive growth in recent times, with a growing multitude of consumers embracing CBD for its potential therapeutic benefits and overall well-being advantages. As such, companies operating in this sector are keenly interested in capitalizing on this thriving market, and digital marketing, particularly social media advertising, has emerged as a crucial tool in achieving this goal. Social media platforms offer an excellent avenue for educating consumers about CBD’s potential benefits and uses, and for building trust and credibility among the audience. However, CBD brands also face unique challenges in this realm, including navigating the constantly shifting terrain of advertising regulations, dealing with content moderation systems that may flag or remove CBD-related content, and finding the right balance between effective targeting and stringent compliance.




Successful SEO Strategy for CBD Company

Successful Website Launch

The new website for Tula Botanicals saw immediate engagement and sales, driven by the strong SEO strategy.

Increased Search Visibility

The targeted SEO campaign significantly boosted Tula Botanicals' visibility in search engine results, attracting both core customers and new users interested in exploring CBD products.

Ongoing Content Success

We provided ongoing unique content ideas to maintain and improve search rankings over the long term.



Website Design & Development

We create websites that connect with your customer in different ways. Our high-conversion designs fill your sales funnel.


We create stories and messaging that allows you to create meaningful relationships with your customers.


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Strategic SEO Focused Keyword Research

We conducted extensive market research to identify the most relevant and high-impact keywords that potential customers were likely to search for when looking to buy CBD products. This ensured that Tula Botanicals’ website content was optimized for visibility in search engine results.

Content Creation and Optimization

We developed comprehensive content that highlighted the benefits of CBD oil in alleviating various symptoms, both medical and non-medical. This content was designed to engage and inform potential customers, setting Tula Botanicals apart from competitors in search results.

Landing Page Testing

Multiple landing pages were created and rigorously tested to determine which designs and messages most effectively converted visitors into customers. This iterative process ensured that the best-performing pages were utilized to maximize sales.

Compliance with FDA Guidelines

Careful attention was given to ensure that all content adhered to FDA regulations, avoiding any unverified medical claims while still communicating the potential benefits of CBD oil.

PArtner with us

This collaboration with Tula Botanicals highlights our capability to deliver effective digital marketing solutions tailored to the CBD industry. By combining strategic SEO, targeted content creation, and rigorous testing, we significantly enhanced Tula Botanicals' market presence and sales, positioning them for long-term success in the competitive CBD market.

Top 3 Challenges CBD Companies Face in Marketing Their Product Online

Navigating Regulatory Compliance

CBD companies must adhere to a complex web of regulations and guidelines set by various authorities, including the FDA, which restricts claims about the medical benefits of CBD products. Non-compliance can result in legal consequences and the removal of advertising privileges on major platforms.

  • Careful Content Creation: Develop content that focuses on general wellness benefits and user testimonials rather than making specific medical claims. Ensure all marketing materials are reviewed for compliance with current regulations.
  • Consultation with Legal Experts: Work closely with legal advisors who specialize in CBD regulations to ensure all marketing efforts are compliant and up-to-date with evolving laws.

Advertising Restrictions

Many mainstream advertising platforms, such as Google and Facebook, have stringent policies against promoting CBD products, making it difficult for companies to reach a broad audience through traditional digital advertising channels.

  • Alternative Advertising Channels: Leverage platforms that allow CBD advertising, such as specialized health and wellness websites, CBD-focused online communities, and influencer partnerships.
  • SEO and Content Marketing: Invest in a robust SEO strategy and high-quality content to drive organic traffic. By optimizing content for search engines, CBD companies can attract potential customers without relying on paid ads.

Building Consumer Trust and Education

The CBD market is relatively new and flooded with products of varying quality. Consumers may be skeptical about the efficacy and safety of CBD products, making it crucial for companies to build trust and educate potential customers.

  • Transparent Branding: Highlight third-party lab testing results, certifications, and clear ingredient lists to assure customers of product quality and safety.
  • Educational Content: Create informative content such as blog posts, videos, webinars, and FAQs that explain the benefits of CBD, how it works, and how to use it effectively. This helps in establishing the brand as a trusted authority in the CBD space.

By addressing these challenges with strategic approaches in compliance, advertising, and consumer education, CBD companies can effectively market their products online and build a loyal customer base.

Choosing the right digital marketing channels is another crucial step in developing a digital strategy for CBD marketing. There are a variety of channels available, including social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and content marketing, among others.

The choice of channels should be guided by the preferences and behaviors of your target audience. For instance, if your target audience is active on social media, it would make sense to focus your efforts on these platforms. However, it's also important to consider the strengths and limitations of each channel in relation to the CBD industry. For example, while social media offers great potential for engagement, it can also present challenges due to the restrictions on CBD advertising. Therefore, it's important to carefully consider each channel and how it can help you achieve your marketing goals before making a decision.

Creating Engaging and Compliant Content

Creating engaging and compliant content is a key component of a successful digital strategy for CBD marketing. High-quality, informative content that provides value to the audience can help build trust and credibility, and position your brand as an authority in the CBD space. This could include blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics that educate consumers about CBD and its potential benefits.

Transparency and honesty are also crucial in CBD marketing. This means being upfront about the ingredients, potential side effects, and benefits of your products, and not making unsupported health claims. Additionally, all content must comply with advertising guidelines, which may vary depending on the platform and jurisdiction. This not only ensures that your content remains accessible to your audience, but also builds trust and safeguards your brand's reputation.

Monitoring and Adapting Your Strategy

Monitoring and adapting your digital strategy is crucial in CBD marketing. This involves tracking the effectiveness of your marketing activities, using analytics to measure success and identify areas for improvement. Key metrics may include website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI).

It's also important to keep an eye on changing regulations, market trends, and audience preferences, and to be prepared to adapt your strategy accordingly. This might involve updating your content to reflect new research findings on CBD, adjusting your SEO strategy in response to changes in search engine algorithms, or exploring new social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
By continually monitoring and adapting your digital strategy, you can ensure that your marketing efforts remain effective and aligned with your business goals.

Regulatory Hurdles in CBD Marketing

One of the main challenges of implementing a digital strategy in the CBD industry is navigating the regulatory hurdles in CBD marketing. The legal status of CBD varies across different jurisdictions, leading to an inconsistency that can make advertising CBD products a complex task. For instance, while CBD is legal in 50 states in the U.S., it is still categorized as a controlled substance under the purview of federal governments in certain countries. This inconsistency can pose challenges for businesses when advertising on social media platforms, many of which enforce strict policies regarding the promotion of CBD products. To navigate these challenges, CBD businesses must stay updated on the latest regulations, ensure their marketing activities are compliant, and be prepared to adapt their strategies as regulations change.

Competitive Landscape and Standing Out

The CBD industry is a rapidly growing market, characterized by intense competition. With the proliferation of CBD brands, it can be challenging for businesses to stand out and make an impact. Therefore, CBD businesses need to differentiate themselves from the competition and build strong brand recognition. This can be accomplished through innovative digital strategies that not only promote the products but also engage with the audience in meaningful ways.

For instance, creating high-quality, informative content can help a brand establish itself as an authority in the CBD space. Leveraging social media platforms can allow for direct engagement with consumers, fostering a sense of community and loyalty. By adopting such strategies, CBD businesses can stand out in a crowded market, connect with potential customers, and drive growth.

Navigating Digital Platforms' Restrictions on CBD

Another key challenge in implementing a digital strategy in the CBD industry is navigating the restrictions imposed by digital platforms, particularly social media, on CBD advertising. Many of these platforms have policies in place that prohibit the promotion of CBD products. This often results in CBD-related content being flagged or removed, even if it complies with local laws.

To navigate this challenge, businesses need to be aware of each platform's individual policies and carefully manage their content within these guidelines. This includes:

  • Transparency: Clearly stating product ingredients, potential side effects, and benefits.
  • Compliant Claims: Avoiding unsupported health claims and focusing on factual information.
  • Audience Targeting: Ensuring campaigns are not directed at underage users.

By adhering to these practices, CBD businesses can mitigate the risk of ad removals and account suspensions, allowing them to effectively reach their target audience.

Overcoming Challenges with Innovative Digital Strategies

Despite the unique challenges associated with implementing a digital strategy in the CBD industry, it is possible to overcome these hurdles with innovative and adaptive digital strategies. One key to this is staying updated on the changing regulations in the industry and adapting strategies accordingly. This not only ensures compliance with advertising guidelines, but also allows businesses to make the most of the available opportunities.

Furthermore, the adoption of innovative digital marketing techniques, such as SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement, can allow CBD businesses to reach their target audience, engage with them in meaningful ways, and ultimately drive sales. For instance, SEO can improve a CBD business's online visibility and attract organic traffic, while high-quality, informative content can engage the audience and build credibility. Social media platforms offer an excellent avenue for direct engagement with consumers, fostering a sense of community and loyalty. By leveraging these strategies, CBD businesses can navigate the challenges of the industry and achieve success.

Developing Your Own Digital Strategy for CBD Marketing

Identifying Your Target Audience

One of the first steps in developing a digital strategy for CBD marketing is identifying your target audience. This involves understanding the demographics of your potential customers, including their age, gender, location, and lifestyle factors, as well as their interests, preferences, and behaviors. Market research can be invaluable in this respect, providing insights into who your potential customers are and what they are looking for in a CBD product.

Once you have a clear picture of your target audience, you can tailor your digital marketing strategies to their needs and interests. This could involve creating content that addresses their questions and concerns, using social media platforms that they frequent, and offering products that meet their specific needs. By aligning your digital marketing strategy with the needs and interests of your target audience, you can increase the chances of engaging them and converting them into customers.

What are Digital Strategies?

Digital strategies refer to the plans and actions designed to achieve business goals through the use of digital channels. These strategies are crucial for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience in the digital sphere. A comprehensive digital strategy considers all aspects of a company's online presence, from website design and search engine optimization (SEO) to content marketing, social media engagement, email marketing, and more. It involves setting clear objectives, understanding the target audience, creating engaging and valuable content, and utilizing analytics to measure success and adjust the strategy as needed. For the CBD industry, a well-crafted digital strategy can help a brand stand out in a crowded market, connect with potential customers, and drive growth.

Why Do CBD Businesses Need a Digital Marketing Strategy?

The CBD industry is a rapidly growing market, characterized by intense competition and a constantly evolving regulatory landscape. In this context, having a solid digital marketing strategy is not a luxury but a necessity for CBD businesses.

A well-planned strategy can help these businesses differentiate themselves from the competition and build brand recognition. This is crucial as the competitive landscape of the CBD industry necessitates standing out to attract and retain customers. In addition, a strong digital presence cultivates a loyal customer base by ensuring continuous engagement and delivering value consistently.

A digital marketing strategy also aids in navigating the unique regulatory challenges associated with advertising CBD products. It ensures compliance with advertising guidelines and effectively communicates the benefits of CBD in a transparent and honest manner. This not only prevents potential legal issues but also builds consumer trust.

Furthermore, a digital marketing strategy enables CBD businesses to reach their target audience where they spend most of their time - online. This increases visibility and provides ample opportunities for direct engagement with customers, fostering trust and relationship building.

Key Components of a Successful Digital Strategy for CBD Marketing

A successful digital strategy for CBD marketing is made up of several key components.

Firstly, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical aspect that can improve a CBD business's online visibility and attract organic traffic. By optimizing their website and content with relevant keywords, CBD businesses can rank higher in search engine results and reach more potential customers.

Secondly, high-quality, informative content is crucial in engaging the audience and building credibility. This can be achieved through blogs, articles, videos, and other forms of content that educate consumers about CBD and its potential benefits.

Thirdly, social media platforms offer an excellent avenue for direct engagement with consumers. CBD brands can leverage these platforms to promote their products, answer questions, and foster a sense of community.

Finally, compliance with advertising guidelines is paramount. CBD businesses must ensure that their marketing materials are transparent, honest, and do not make any unsupported health claims, to build trust with consumers and avoid regulatory actions.

How Digital Strategies Differ in the CBD Industry

While many aspects of digital marketing are universal, some elements are unique to the CBD industry. One of the main differences lies in the regulatory challenges faced by this sector. Although CBD is legal in many regions, it is categorized as a controlled substance in some jurisdictions. This inconsistency in legality can make advertising CBD products on certain platforms a complex task, as these platforms often enforce strict policies regarding the promotion of such products. CBD businesses need to navigate these challenges by being aware of the varying regulations and ensuring their marketing activities are compliant.

Another difference lies in the targeting of specific demographics. Due to the sensitive nature of CBD products, businesses need to be mindful of who they are marketing to and ensure that they are not targeting underage users or making unsupported health claims.

Despite these challenges, the CBD industry also presents a wealth of opportunities for innovative digital strategies that can help businesses reach their target audience and stand out in a competitive market.


  • client-04.png
    I have worked with Scott and 32 Degrees for 3 years. They handle my SEO and other digital marketing. My best example of how great Scott is at his job is: we took a 3 month break from his services and lost a quarter of our business- needless to say we are back in the fold. Scott is fantastic at what he does and is very conscious of results and will tweak things to make sure we stay top of mind to our existing and potential customers.

    Laura Tunberg, Visiting Angels

  • client-06.png
    I met Scott Fish and 32 Degrees Digital a few years ago while he was consulting with the Eola-Amity Hills Winegrower's Association. It was clear that he had the skills I needed to help me upgrade the SEO capability of the website for my small inn, Amity Flats. Over the next several months Scott Scott worked closely with me to analyze and refresh the text on my website. He is easy to work with and knows what he is doing!!

    Barbara Bond, Eola-Amity Hills Winegrowers Association

  • client-01.png
    32° Digital may have a chilly name but they are red hot when it comes to SEO. Not only do they dominate the hospitality and winery markets but they also do a phenomenal job with restaurants and tourism sites. What sets them apart? Other than their unique expertise in a very niche market like SEO, they also understand the customer journey for these verticals which helps them to consult their clients on how to improve workflow and culture. If you haven't had a chance to chat with Scott Fish, take the'll be well worth it.

    Brent D Payne,

  • client-02.png
    32 Degrees is phenomenal! They helped my organization achieve instant ROI by implementing a focused SEO, PPC and Digital strategy. I can't recommend Scott and his team enough.

    Adam Tucker, Ethos Executive Search Firm