We are your experienced winery marketing partner.


Successful Digital Marketing Strategies for Wineries


At 32° Digital, we developed the CRUSH Wine Tourism program to help wineries stand out in their local markets and expand their reach nationwide. Our tailored strategies are designed to enhance visibility, engage customers, and drive direct-to-consumer wine sales. Whether you aim to gain national recognition or build a targeted local email marketing list and wine club memberships, our expertise ensures quick and effective results.

Strategic Implementation:

  1. Conversion-Focused Website Development: We specialize in creating websites that not only capture the essence of each winery but also convert visitors into loyal customers. Our designs are optimized for user experience, making it easy for customers to explore wines, learn about the winery’s story, and make purchases directly from the site.
  2. Engaging Consumer Interaction: Our strategies include targeted email marketing, social media engagement, and content marketing to keep consumers connected and engaged with the winery. By crafting personalized and interactive campaigns, we foster a deeper connection between the winery and its audience.
  3. Brand Building and Market Expansion: We work with both small boutique wineries and large national brands to build and enhance their brand presence. Through SEO, PPC advertising, and influencer partnerships, we ensure that the winery gains visibility and attracts a broader audience, both locally and nationally.




  • Increased Local and National Visibility: Through targeted digital marketing efforts, wineries experience a significant boost in both local and national awareness.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Personalized email campaigns and interactive social media strategies lead to higher engagement rates and increased customer loyalty.
  • Growth in Direct-to-Consumer Sales: Optimized websites and effective marketing strategies result in a notable increase in direct-to-consumer wine sales.



Comprehensive Website Audit and Keyword Strategy

We begin by conducting an in-depth audit of your existing website, identifying technical and on-page optimization opportunities. This includes analyzing 301 redirects, meta data, Google Analytics integration, and overall website organization. We then establish a targeted list of high-impact keywords to attract new customers, ensuring your winery ranks well in Google search results.

On-Page Optimization

Our audit extends to on-page elements, evaluating content effectiveness, internal linking, content organization, and image and video optimization. By refining these elements, we enhance the user experience and improve your site's SEO performance. Our goal is to ensure that every aspect of your website contributes to higher search engine rankings and better customer engagement.

Local SEO and Google My Business Optimization

Local map optimization is crucial, especially with the rise of voice search. We ensure your winery appears prominently in local search results, capturing the attention of visitors looking for nearby wineries to visit. Additionally, we optimize your Google My Business listing to take up more space in search results, further enhancing visibility and drawing more visitors to your winery.

Google Analytics Integration

Setting up Google Analytics is a vital part of our process. We track and analyze traffic to ensure your winery attracts visitors from the right geographic areas and digital marketing channels. This data-driven approach allows us to refine strategies and maximize the effectiveness of your SEO campaign.





  • Increased Search Engine Rankings: Comprehensive keyword strategy and technical optimization results in improved search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find your winery.
  • Enhanced Local Visibility: Optimized local search presence and Google My Business listing increases visibility for nearby visitors, driving more foot traffic to the winery.
  • Data-Driven Improvements: Integration of Google Analytics provides valuable insights, allowing for continuous refinement of marketing strategies to ensure maximum engagement and conversions.


Website Design & Development

We create websites that connect with your customer in different ways. Our high-conversion designs fill your sales funnel.


We create stories and messaging that allows you to create meaningful relationships with your customers.




At 32° Digital, we specialize in crafting and managing comprehensive social media marketing strategies for wineries, driving customer engagement and increasing wine club memberships. Our approach takes the complexity out of social media management, allowing wineries to focus on what they do best—producing exceptional wines and creating memorable experiences.

Strategic Implementation:

  1. Comprehensive Social Media Audit and Strategy Development: We begin with a thorough audit of your winery’s current social media presence and assets. This allows us to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. We then collaborate with you to develop a tailored social media strategy that aligns with your goals, whether it’s brand growth, increasing foot traffic, boosting direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales, enhancing wholesale sales, or expanding wine club memberships.
  2. Platform-Specific Engagement: Recognizing that different social media platforms offer unique advantages, we focus on where your customers are most active. Facebook is highly effective for winery marketing, while Instagram and Pinterest provide visual appeal and engagement. Our goal is to establish a strong, consistent presence across these platforms, ensuring your winery remains top-of-mind for potential customers.
  3. Editorial Calendar and Content Creation: An editorial calendar is crucial for maintaining a consistent and engaging social media presence. We work with you to create a calendar that includes a mix of social media posts, email marketing, and website content. This strategic planning helps build a cadence that your audience can anticipate and engage with, fostering loyalty and repeat interactions.
  4. Influencer Partnerships and Brand Loyalty: Building relationships with influencers can organically grow your social media presence. We identify and connect with influencers who align with your brand, turning them into brand loyalists. Additionally, we use targeted strategies to amplify your story and reach, ensuring your winery is showcased to the right audience.




  • Increased Social Media Engagement: Through tailored strategies and consistent posting, we significantly boost engagement across all social media platforms.
  • Growth in Wine Club Memberships: Our focused campaigns and influencer partnerships drive a notable increase in wine club memberships.
  • Enhanced Brand Presence: By leveraging the strengths of each social media platform, we establish a strong and appealing brand presence that attracted new customers and retained existing ones.



At 32° Digital, we specialize in leveraging Google AdWords to drive foot traffic and direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales for wineries. Our strategic Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns provide an immediate impact, enhancing your marketing efforts and delivering positive sales growth. By ensuring your winery appears prominently when consumers are searching, we maximize your visibility and engagement.

Strategic Implementation:

  1. Tailored PPC Campaign Creation and Management: We develop custom PPC campaigns from scratch or take over existing AdWords campaigns to optimize performance. Our expertise ensures that your ads are effectively integrated with social media platforms and target relevant searches. By using the content network, we also reach visitors reading related articles, broadening your audience and potential customer base.
  2. Budget Management Across Seasons: We help wineries navigate the complexities of managing their PPC budget effectively across different seasons. During off and shoulder seasons, daily budgets may not be fully utilized, allowing for cost-effective advertising. In peak seasons, we strategically manage your budget to compete effectively in a more competitive landscape, ensuring your ads reach the right audience at the right time.
  3. Optimized Ad Copy and Landing Pages: Our team crafts compelling ad copy that drives higher click-through rates and engages visitors. By directing them deeper into your website, we increase the likelihood of conversions, whether it’s newsletter sign-ups or direct purchases. Additionally, we optimize landing pages to enhance user experience and improve conversion rates, making the most of each visitor’s interaction with your site.
  4. Enhanced Campaign Features and Remarketing: We create advanced AdWords campaigns with extensions that provide additional information and call-to-actions, increasing ad effectiveness. Our remarketing strategies are integrated with Facebook, email marketing, and AdWords, ensuring that potential customers are continually engaged and reminded of your winery’s offerings.




  • Increased Direct-to-Consumer Sales: Through targeted PPC campaigns, wineries experience a significant boost in DTC sales.
  • Effective Budget Utilization: Strategic management of PPC budgets across different seasons maximize ad spend efficiency and impact.
  • Higher Engagement and Conversion Rates: Optimized ad copy and landing pages lead to better user engagement and higher conversion rates.


Maximize engagement with customers through nurturing campaigns

At 32° Digital, we understand that an effective email marketing program is one of the most cost-efficient and high-ROI activities a winery can employ. Our expertise in developing targeted email marketing campaigns has helped wineries grow their wine club memberships, drive direct-to-consumer sales, and enhance customer loyalty.

Strategic Implementation:

  1. Targeted and Personalized Email Campaigns: We recognize that today’s consumers expect highly personalized and relevant content from the brands they interact with. By analyzing consumer behavior and preferences, we craft targeted email messages that resonate with your audience, leading to higher open rates, increased click-through rates, and exceptional ROI. Our campaigns are designed to meet and exceed customer expectations, fostering stronger engagement and loyalty.
  2. Platform Versatility and Expertise: Our team is proficient in using a wide range of email platforms, including MailChimp, Constant Contact, iContact, HubSpot, Campaign Monitor, Pardot, Emma, Campaigner, Zoho, Infusionsoft, Drip, and Wix. This versatility allows us to tailor our strategies to the specific needs and preferences of each winery, ensuring seamless execution and optimal performance of email campaigns.
  3. Customer Activation and Engagement: We utilize email as a powerful tool to activate new customers, communicate effectively with existing ones, and reactivate previous customers. Our approach includes designing compelling email content that promotes events, new releases, special offers, and wine club benefits, driving customer engagement and increasing sales.
  4. Data-Driven Strategy and ROI Focus: By leveraging data analytics, we continuously monitor and refine email marketing strategies to maximize ROI. We track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, making data-driven adjustments to enhance campaign effectiveness. Our goal is to create email marketing strategies that not only deliver positive ROI but also leave a lasting impression on your customers.




  • Increased Wine Club Memberships: Targeted email campaigns successfully grow wine club memberships, driving recurring revenue and fostering customer loyalty.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Personalized email content lead to higher engagement rates, with increased open and click-through rates.
  • Improved Direct-to-Consumer Sales: Effective email marketing strategies contribute to a significant boost in direct-to-consumer sales, enhancing overall winery profitability.



We bring over 18 years of website development experience to craft custom-built websites that drive leads and enhance customer engagement for wineries. Our expertise ensures that your website tells the right story to the right audience, utilizing the latest technologies and SEO strategies to deliver lasting value.

Strategic Implementation:

  1. Tailored Platform Solutions: We work with a variety of platforms, including WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Magento, and more, to meet the unique needs of your winery. Whether you require a complete redesign or optimization of your current site, our team provides solutions that align with your goals and enhance user experience.
  2. SEO and Responsive Design: Staying up-to-date on the latest SEO strategies, we build websites designed to rank well in search engines and attract organic traffic. Our responsive designs ensure that your website looks and functions flawlessly on any device, providing an optimal user experience for all visitors.
  3. Ecommerce Integration: Understanding the importance of ecommerce for wineries, we work closely with you to determine your ecommerce needs and implement solutions that fit your budget and time constraints. Our integrated ecommerce capabilities streamline the purchasing process, driving direct-to-consumer sales and enhancing customer satisfaction.
  4. Comprehensive Feature Set: Our custom websites include a wide range of features designed to engage visitors and convert them into loyal customers. This includes website content, email integration, events management, video and photo galleries, news and recipes content, blog sections, contact forms, and social media integration. Each element is tailored to promote your winery’s offerings and enhance overall user engagement.




  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Our custom websites effectively tell your winery’s story, engaging visitors and encouraging them to explore and interact with your brand.
  • Increased Direct-to-Consumer Sales: Integrated ecommerce solutions streamline the buying process, driving direct-to-consumer sales and boosting profitability.
  • Improved Search Engine Visibility: Utilizing the latest SEO strategies, our websites achieve higher rankings in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic.


  1. Complete Budget Control One of the standout features of PPC is the complete control it offers over your budget. Unlike other methods with fixed spending requirements, PPC allows you to set your own budget limits. Whether you decide to spend $1,000 or $10,000, the choice is yours, ensuring that you stay within your financial limits without unexpected costs. This flexibility makes PPC a fantastic option for managing your marketing spend effectively. At 32° Digital, our experts can guide you through PPC budgeting to ensure optimal campaign management.

  2. Pay Only for Clicks With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, not for mere impressions. This is highly beneficial as it maximizes your budget by focusing on actual engagement. Even if viewers don’t click on your ad, they still see it, which boosts brand recognition. Over time, this increased exposure can lead to higher conversion rates as potential customers become more familiar with your winery. 32° Digital specializes in creating impactful PPC campaigns that enhance brand visibility and drive qualified leads.

  3. Attracting Qualified Leads PPC ads are designed to attract leads that are more likely to convert. Studies show that 65% of high-intent searches result in ad clicks, highlighting the effectiveness of PPC in capturing motivated buyers. By targeting users who are actively searching for wines or winery experiences, your chances of securing customers increase significantly. 32° Digital’s extensive experience in lead generation and conversion ensures that your PPC campaigns are finely tuned to attract high-quality leads.

  4. Campaign Timing Control PPC gives you the flexibility to choose when your ads run, allowing you to target your audience during peak times. This control extends to the duration of your campaigns, letting you decide how long they should run based on your budget and goals. With the ability to tailor your campaign timings, you can optimize your reach and effectiveness. 32° Digital helps you strategically schedule your PPC campaigns to maximize impact and ensure they align with your winery’s operational goals.

  5. Immediate Results and Insights Unlike SEO, which can take time to show results, PPC offers immediate feedback. This allows you to quickly assess the performance of your campaigns and make necessary adjustments. You can monitor metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions in real-time, gaining valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. This immediacy enables you to fine-tune your strategy for better results. 32° Digital provides expert analysis and optimization to ensure your PPC campaigns deliver swift and measurable returns.

By leveraging the expertise of 32° Digital in PPC advertising, wineries can enjoy these significant benefits, driving more foot traffic, increasing direct-to-consumer sales, and growing overall brand visibility.


  1. Comprehensive Keyword Research Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO campaign. At 32° Digital, we conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-impact keywords for your winery. By targeting specific phrases such as "Sauvignon blanc in [your location]" and more general terms like "wine glasses," we ensure that your content reaches a broad audience. Our advanced tools and techniques help expand your keyword list, focusing on those with high search volume and low competition, driving more targeted traffic to your site.

  2. High-Quality Content Creation Content is king in SEO, and creating high-quality, relevant content is essential for ranking well in search engines. Our team at 32° Digital crafts engaging content that resonates with your audience, from informative articles about the winemaking process to blog posts on the differences between various wines. We ensure that each piece of content is at least 1,000 words, with long-form content exceeding 2,000 words to provide in-depth information that ranks higher in search results. By focusing on your audience's needs, we create content that not only ranks well but also keeps visitors engaged.

  3. Earning High-Quality Backlinks Backlinks are a critical factor in Google's ranking algorithm. At 32° Digital, we help your winery earn backlinks from authoritative sources within the wine industry. By securing links from reputable websites and larger wineries, we enhance your site's authority and credibility. These backlinks act as votes of confidence, signaling to Google that your website is a trusted resource, which can significantly improve your search engine rankings.

  4. Enhancing User Friendliness A user-friendly website is essential for both SEO and customer satisfaction. Our team ensures that your winery's website features clear and organized navigation, fast load speeds, and engaging multimedia elements. We implement navigation bars, sitemaps, and interactive content like videos, photos, and infographics to keep visitors engaged. A user-friendly website not only improves the user experience but also boosts your rankings, as Google prioritizes sites that offer a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience.

  5. Optimizing for Responsiveness With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, having a responsive website is more important than ever. At 32° Digital, we ensure that your winery's website is fully optimized for all devices. A responsive design provides a consistent and positive user experience across desktops, smartphones, and tablets, which is crucial for retaining visitors and reducing bounce rates. Google rewards responsive websites with higher rankings, making this a key component of our SEO strategy.

By partnering with 32° Digital, wineries can leverage these SEO benefits to enhance their online presence, attract more visitors, and drive direct-to-consumer sales. Our expertise in keyword research, content creation, backlink acquisition, user experience, and responsiveness ensures that your winery achieves sustained growth and success in the competitive online landscape.

  • Targeted Platform Selection Choosing the right social media platforms is crucial for reaching your target audience effectively. At 32° Digital, we help you analyze and select platforms where your potential customers are most active. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn, our tailored strategies ensure that your winery's social media presence is optimized to engage your audience where they are most likely to interact with your brand.

  • Consistent Posting Frequency Maintaining a consistent posting schedule is essential for keeping your audience engaged and your brand top-of-mind. Each social media platform has its own optimal posting frequency. For instance, Facebook may perform best with 1-3 posts per day, while Twitter allows for more frequent updates. Our team at 32° Digital helps determine the best posting frequency for each platform, ensuring your content reaches your audience without overwhelming them, thereby driving more leads and interactions.

  • Brand Building and Recognition Building a consistent brand image across all social media platforms is vital for brand recognition and loyalty. We ensure that your posts have a uniform look and feel, helping your audience easily recognize your winery. By producing consistent and unique content, we enhance familiarity and trust, guiding potential customers closer to conversion. Our portfolio showcases our success in creating strong brand identities through social media.

  • Diverse Content Creation Variety in content keeps your audience engaged and interested in your winery. Different platforms support different types of content; for example, Facebook and Twitter allow a mix of text, links, photos, and videos, while Instagram focuses on visual content. At 32° Digital, we create a diverse range of posts including blog links, videos, photos, infographics, and polls. This varied content strategy ensures continuous engagement and interaction with your social media pages.

  • Active Follower Engagement Social media provides a direct channel for building relationships with your followers. Engaging with comments, reviews, and messages helps strengthen these relationships and build trust in your winery. At 32° Digital, we actively monitor and manage your social media interactions, responding to both positive and negative feedback. Addressing concerns and thanking customers for their compliments fosters a positive brand image and encourages repeat business. By engaging with your audience, we help you build a loyal customer base that is more likely to convert.

We specialize in developing visually appealing, intuitive websites for wineries that drive engagement and sales. Our expertise ensures that your online platform not only looks stunning but also functions seamlessly to enhance user experience and boost your winery's online presence.

Key Aspects of Winery Web Design

Web design involves creating an online platform that is visually appealing and intuitive. Designers use programs like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to develop concepts for website pages like home, inner, and landing pages. Once web designers create pages, they send the designs to a web development team to turn the page concepts into a functional website by coding different elements. Designers will likely focus on a few crucial elements, like a stunning homepage that shows off your winery or ecommerce pages that allow you to sell wine to consumers across the country.

Why Web Design is Vital for Vineyards

  1. Making a Great First Impression: A beautifully designed website creates a positive first impression, encouraging visitors to explore your products and consider visiting your winery.
  2. Boosting Visibility: On-page search engine optimization (SEO) integrated into the design helps people find your winery online. Stunning images and captivating content enhance SEO, making your site more visible to potential customers.
  3. Building Audience Trust: A modern, well-designed website conveys trust and professionalism. In contrast, an outdated site might push prospects toward competitors.
  4. Staying Ahead of the Competition: With 73% of businesses leveraging web design to stand out, having a superior website helps your winery remain competitive.

Essential Elements for Winery Web Design

  1. Carefully Planned Graphics

    • Graphics are crucial in showcasing the lifestyle and experience your winery offers. Professional photos create a visually appealing site that visitors enjoy. Use images strategically to reflect your winery’s personality and enhance ecommerce pages by showing how users might enjoy your products.
  2. Responsive Design

    • A responsive design ensures your website looks great on any device, whether it's a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Given that 52% of users are less likely to interact with non-mobile-friendly sites, a responsive design is essential. At 32° Digital, we ensure your site adapts seamlessly to all screens, improving user experience and retention.
  3. Engaging Content

    • Content is a vital component of web design, attracting and retaining customers through valuable information. We integrate spaces for compelling content in the design phase, ensuring your homepage and other pages have room for engaging stories, product descriptions, and more. This approach keeps visitors interested and informed.
  4. Easy Navigation

    • A well-designed website guides users effortlessly. We create intuitive navigation patterns that lead visitors from the homepage to various sections like product pages, location info, and more. A clear top navigational bar and other techniques like vertical sidebars on product pages enhance user experience and encourage exploration.

Enhanced User Experience (UX) Future winery websites will focus on creating personalized experiences for visitors. Utilizing AI and machine learning, websites can offer tailored content and product recommendations based on user behavior and preferences. As voice search continues to rise, optimizing websites for voice queries will become essential. This includes using natural language processing and focusing on conversational keywords to ensure that users can find information easily through voice commands.

Advanced Visual and Interactive Elements With advancements in VR and AR technologies, wineries will offer immersive virtual tours of their vineyards and facilities. This allows potential visitors to experience the winery from the comfort of their homes, enhancing engagement and interest. Websites will feature interactive tasting sessions, where users can learn about different wines, their characteristics, and pairing suggestions. These sessions can be enhanced with video content and live interactions with sommeliers.

Seamless E-commerce Integration Future winery websites will focus more on building subscription models and wine clubs. Integrating seamless sign-up processes and member-exclusive content will encourage repeat purchases and foster brand loyalty. Integrating AR with wine labels, customers can scan the label with their smartphones to access detailed information about the wine, including tasting notes, vineyard history, and food pairing suggestions.

Sustainability and Transparency With increasing consumer awareness around sustainability, winery websites will prominently feature their eco-friendly practices. This includes detailing organic farming methods, sustainable production processes, and eco-friendly packaging. Utilizing blockchain technology to provide transparency in the wine production process. Customers can trace the journey of their wine from vineyard to bottle, ensuring authenticity and quality.

Social Media Integration and User-Generated Content Leveraging social media platforms to facilitate direct purchases. Winery websites will integrate social commerce features, allowing users to buy products directly from social media posts. Encouraging customers to share their experiences through reviews, photos, and videos. Featuring user-generated content on the website can build community and trust among potential buyers.

Mobile-First Design With mobile browsing continuing to dominate, future winery websites will adopt a mobile-first approach. Ensuring that all functionalities, from browsing to purchasing, are seamless on mobile devices will be a priority. Developing Progressive Web Apps that offer the functionality of a native app combined with the accessibility of a website. PWAs provide a fast, reliable, and engaging user experience, even in areas with poor internet connectivity.


  • client-04.png
    I have worked with Scott and 32 Degrees for 3 years. They handle my SEO and other digital marketing. My best example of how great Scott is at his job is: we took a 3 month break from his services and lost a quarter of our business- needless to say we are back in the fold. Scott is fantastic at what he does and is very conscious of results and will tweak things to make sure we stay top of mind to our existing and potential customers.

    Laura Tunberg, Visiting Angels

  • client-06.png
    I met Scott Fish and 32 Degrees Digital a few years ago while he was consulting with the Eola-Amity Hills Winegrower's Association. It was clear that he had the skills I needed to help me upgrade the SEO capability of the website for my small inn, Amity Flats. Over the next several months Scott Scott worked closely with me to analyze and refresh the text on my website. He is easy to work with and knows what he is doing!!

    Barbara Bond, Eola-Amity Hills Winegrowers Association

  • client-01.png
    32° Digital may have a chilly name but they are red hot when it comes to SEO. Not only do they dominate the hospitality and winery markets but they also do a phenomenal job with restaurants and tourism sites. What sets them apart? Other than their unique expertise in a very niche market like SEO, they also understand the customer journey for these verticals which helps them to consult their clients on how to improve workflow and culture. If you haven't had a chance to chat with Scott Fish, take the'll be well worth it.

    Brent D Payne,

  • client-02.png
    32 Degrees is phenomenal! They helped my organization achieve instant ROI by implementing a focused SEO, PPC and Digital strategy. I can't recommend Scott and his team enough.

    Adam Tucker, Ethos Executive Search Firm